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Chicago Medical Assistant Diploma

Do you enjoy working with other people? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others? Then Westwood's Chicago medical assistant program might be perfect for you. This Illinois medical assistant school enlightens students on both front- and back-office practices. Students graduating from a Chicago medical assistant program can work in an office for a variety of medical specialists: physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors or any other health practitioners. If it's a small practice in Chicago, a medical assistant will handle both administration and clinical duties; if the office is large, medical assistants are usually assigned a specialty.

No matter the office size or specialty, Chicago medical assistant graduates will be responsible for helping the office to run smoothly on a daily basis. Front office responsibilities include answering phones, greeting patients, updating and filing records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging hospital admission and lab services, billing and bookkeeping and purchasing equipment and supplies.

After receiving your diploma from Westwood's Chicago medical assistant program, you can go on to become a licensed medical assistant. Certification will increase your chances of landing a career and allow you to perform more pressing duties in that position. Individuals that pursue licenses after completing Illinois medical assistant programs will be responsible for a number of tasks, depending on what state in which they choose to work:

The demand for individuals that have completed Illinois medical assistant programs is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assisting will be one of the fastest growing professions through 2014. The reasons for the increased demand for graduates of Chicago medical assistant programs are many: technological advances within the healthcare industry; growth of the overall population; aging population and increased number of baby boomers; additional number of outpatient centers.

Westwood's Illinois medical assistant school provides students with training through classroom instruction, hands-on lab practice and a 160-hour externship in an actual medical practitioner's office. Some of the comprehensive courses offered through Westwood's Chicago medical assistant program include Patient/Human Relations, Specialty Medical Procedures, Minor Surgical Procedures and many more. Westwood's Illinois medical assistant training can help prepare you for a career in only 12 months. What are you waiting for-enroll in Westwood's Chicago medical assistant program and start helping others today!

Learn more on how to earn a degree quickly at a reputable Illinois College.